torsdag 11 november 2010

I am too tired to write anything. Not that anyone care because I have like one reader every day. But anyhowe, some more pix.

tisdag 2 november 2010

Laser Turk aka Chaos Turk

So, todays theme is Laser Turk. For you who don´t know who the Laser Turk is, watch this clip from Norwegian TV news. It´s about an immigrant(the Laser Turk) in Sweden who chases a man that have been shooting a bunch of other immigrants. This shooting man is called the laser man i swedish media, therefore the Laser Turk.

It has English subtitles.

And here´s some funny picture I found on the swedish forum

lördag 30 oktober 2010

Christmas eve at the niggers house.

So now I´m gonna watch a hockey game and drink a big ass number of bears by myself. After that I´ll  go out on the town and try to get laid. It´ll certainly, like so many times, end up like this.

torsdag 28 oktober 2010

Beer and Brennivin

Now I´m sitting here drunk again. Not that I´ve ever wrote here while drunk but I´ve been sitting here in my couch, drunk without reason, alot of times. I watched a Swedish hockey game with my father and we drank like three beers while watching. My team won by the way. Anyway, when my father went to bed after the game I didn´t want to sleep, I wanted to drink more! Everyone who´ve taken a few beers now what I´m talking about. So I went to my fathers liquor cabinet(or what the fuck you say in english) and started to pour a glas of Brennivin, a liquor from Iceland, it´s like vodka but with some stupid spice. I didn´t pour a glas, but a fucking glas!!! I drank that and I wanted more so I wen back to the cabinet, but I couldnt take from the same bottle because then he would know**. So I took a glas(!!!) of vodka and now I´m sitting here and sipping on that glas watching some stupid swedish soccer. Yeah I fucking call it soccer, not football, cause it fucking sucks. It´s fucking fags ruinning around and hug and kiss each other and it just happen to be a ball there. Fucking fags! Hockey is a sport! Soccer is a cover for fags who wants close contact to other men.

**I´m not a little 15-year old fag if you think so. I´m 20 and in the mittle of move away from home. Just don´t wanna make my father upset.

I´m sorry for spelling and column jsdgnoajs. I don´t know what the fuck it´s called but I mean when you do

this. Yeah, now you know what I mean.

I don´t want to go to sleep right know.(For you that doesn´t know it´s time differens in different countrys, it´s like 01.00 am here in sweden) I just want to drink beer and party, but how the fuck can I do that in a little shit town in Sweden on a thursday? I can´t!!! I just have to wait until tomorrow. Then I can get drunk again, thank god(that´s just an expression to show my happiness(I think god is an atheist)), without having the society stabbing my back with stupid comments. Yeah, that´s right, you can´t drink a few beers, while watching a hockey game, in sweden without being accused of bein an alcoholist. That sucks! And if you´re out partying on friday, and want to party on saturday also, you have to get up early so you manage to get to the liquor store in time, before it close. It closes at 2-3 am on saturdays and if you were drunk the day before you have to be half drunk whlie driving to buy more booze. Stupid fucking system.(in two meanings(Swedes get it))

But anyway I´ve decided to no stop writing until my glas of vodka is out. I´ll probably regret this tomorrow. But why should I? I´m fucking anonymous. No fuck in the world knows who I am. So shut the fuck up, sober me!!! 

I wish I was the drunken me when I´m sober. Then I would´ve been the best person in the world all the time, no doubt. It´s true. I would do what the fuck I want all the time. I do that when I´m drunk. I´m the king, I get what I want. 

Well, well, that´s life. I have still some vodka left, but I´m out of ideas. 

Maybe i shluold look after a funny picture while getting drunker and then we´ll meet again tomorrow. I´ll post it first though.

This was the first that came up when i googled funny picture

This also came up. Not very funny but I love dogs.

So now I´m suddenly getting all bawwy and all. Here´s more dog pictures.

It´s sick how cute this dogs are. I just want to eat them up. 

Now I just feel a little sad and want to sleep. But I have a little vodka left. Vodka is not very tasty. It taste like shit really. It´s ok if you mix with  some soda or something but otherwise it taste lik human organs. One more puppy picture.



Because I´m a hard ass, I also wanna post a funny racist picture so ya´ll know I´m cool.

ok, two

Still have some voska lefte so why don´t pos a picture on my idol so you´ll get to know me a little better. Here he is.

Oh yeah, that´s right. Richard Dawkins is my idol. Fuck you fags!

Now a really good artist with one of my favorite songs.

Apparently you can´t find bob dylans song. Sony music blablabla.. But I found a reslly good cover. here you are!

But here´s my all time favorite song.

Morning boner

When I woke up this morning I had a really hard morning boner. It´s really tough sometimes and there´s only three ways you can get rid of it.

1. Wait until it gets down by itself. This can take a while so you have to have a lot of time for this.

2. Jerk off/have sex. This can also take some time, depending on your skills. Or your girlfriends/boyfriends skills.

3. Take a piss. This is the fastest way, but it´s only for emergencies. If you can go outside that´s a better alternative than splash down your whole bathroom.

I didn´t have time for #1 or #2 this morning so I went with #3. I live in a house with the backyard facing to a little forest, so I can just step outside and pee on a tree. But did I do that? Of course I didn´t! I had just woken up so my brain went on 15% of its capacity. So, what happened? Lets just say I haven´t been on the bathroom since the last visit and I won´t go back until I get a cold so my sense of smell will disappear. Then I probably will clean.

onsdag 27 oktober 2010

What´s up fellas?

As you read in my previous post, I very much like physics. I like science in general. Physics, chemistry, math. Well, math isn´t science but it´s used as a tool in science. So, here comes a little tribute to science in a fun way.

If you accomplish any of those you´ll probably end up like this.

And some math jokes.

Good night bitches.

tisdag 26 oktober 2010


Yeah, read topic. I´m tired. I just jerked off and that was nice, but exhausting.

This is what I jerked off to:

Now I´m gonna fall asleep to this unpleasant picture:

måndag 25 oktober 2010

Obesity, "disease"

I´m a little overweight. Not much, but enough to have some man titties. What I don´t understand is people who´re fat and don´t get why. They´re blaming everyone and everything but themselves. All they do is eat, eat, eat but it´s not their own fault. It´s Mcdonalds fault because their food is unhealthy. WTF?! Go die fatty fat fat!

I once saw a documentary about a fat boy. He was probably 15 years old or something. He was really fat but was going to change that. So the camera team followed him for a couple of weeks and one day they asked the boy how it´s going, and he answered:
-Great, today I only ate two bags of chips for breakfeast.
Disease, my ass.

Here´s a comic strip from Morning Glory which illustrates my thoughts about this hole thing pretty well. (It fucked up when I put it directly here)

Ball sack... Or?

Today, while sitting in my room studying in peace and quiet, I suddenly started to think about balls and if there´s a word in the english language for balls and sack in one. Do you really have to say ball sack? Or do you just say balls? This started to piss me off, because I couldn´t concentrate on my studies, so I googled it but what did I find? Ball sack! After a while I found it though. Scrotum. I have never in my life heard the word scrotum. Is it anybody out there who uses this word to describe ball sack? Please let me know.

And here´s a little picture so it´s clear what I´m talking about.

PS. I´m not gay. Sometimes you just think about scrotums.

söndag 24 oktober 2010

Just fapped a little... Fap, fap, fap

Hello world!

This is me speaking. My name is Mr. Fursister and I´m totally anonymous. Why, you might ask? Why have a blog without letting people know who you are? That, my dear friends, I´m going to tell you. And with I, I mean the creator of this blog, not Lyle Lovett. Why the hell would Lyle Lovett write her? Are you stupid? Anyway, the reason I´m anonymous is because I can. Why show yourself when you can be totally hidden in the dark? I´m not an attention seeking whore who´ll show you "todays outfit". That´s just fucking disgusting.

I hate blogs, I really do. Some blogs are okay, but most of them are just filled with bullshit like I mentioned above. This is not gonna be one of those. This is gonna be about me getting my sick and bizzare thoughts out, letting people here them. Even though I probably not gonna have many readers, it feels good to write.

You´ve certainly noticed I´m not the best of the best when it comes to English. That´s because I´m from the very, very booring country called Sweden. This is a good opportunity to learn the language better.

So yeah, that´s pretty much what I came up with for now. I´ll write more about real stuff tomorrow.
Pic of the day: