måndag 25 oktober 2010

Obesity, "disease"

I´m a little overweight. Not much, but enough to have some man titties. What I don´t understand is people who´re fat and don´t get why. They´re blaming everyone and everything but themselves. All they do is eat, eat, eat but it´s not their own fault. It´s Mcdonalds fault because their food is unhealthy. WTF?! Go die fatty fat fat!

I once saw a documentary about a fat boy. He was probably 15 years old or something. He was really fat but was going to change that. So the camera team followed him for a couple of weeks and one day they asked the boy how it´s going, and he answered:
-Great, today I only ate two bags of chips for breakfeast.
Disease, my ass.

Here´s a comic strip from Morning Glory which illustrates my thoughts about this hole thing pretty well. (It fucked up when I put it directly here)

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